Gray and Turquoise Cabinet

This last winter, work was very quiet. I had very few orders so I even went my storage to rescue some pieces I bought a while ago with the intention of painting and putting up for sale. This is how I ended up finding time for my first Tardis Cabinet, and for this cute  China Cabinet I made for my sons’ school auction.

In March, however, it seems people in my area woke up from hibernation and decided to tackle their home decoration. I’ve been crazy busy in March and April! Of course I’m not complaining, but being busy painting also means I find very little time to update this blog.

I still publish all my projects on my Facebook and Instagram pages but for this blog, I prefer to save those pieces I think have something unique, or a story that is worth sharing.

I love this particular cabinet I painted a few weeks ago. It was not an antique, or an old piece like 95% of all my work. This one was a brand new cabinet my customer bought online from Wayfair. It was a light blue with some dark glaze. So gorgeous that made me feel bad to put paint on it.


This piece was in her living room, which has a beautiful decoration in different shades of gray and light blue. She thought the cabinet was too blue for the room. It was not meant to be the focal point, so she asked me to paint it in a medium gray with black glaze, to blend in with the rest of space.


It was a lot of responsibility to keep that piece as pretty as its original, but I am very happy with the result, and so is my customer.

Here it is…


The inside of the cabinet was turquoise, and I am glad I got to keep it untouched. I love the wonderful surprise of a color pop when you open a cabinet or drawer. It makes me smile.


This is what I used:

  • Rustoleum gray primer (spray)
  • Valspar Tabby Cat Gray, satin.
  • Black glaze. A mixture of Valspar clear glaze and black latex paint (4:1)
  • Sealed with Polycrylic spray, satin.






BeforeAfterDo you prefer the before (blue) or after (gray)? I love both 🙂

Thanks for reading!



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It all started in the spring of 2013. I realized how tired I was to see my house entirely decorated with IKEA stuff. Nothing against IKEA, but after 12 years, I just needed some change. I wanted stylish, original furniture, but noticed that everything I liked from retail stores was way out of my budget. Thanks to Google, Youtube, and a couple of amazing blogs, I was able to discover and explore the world of furniture refinishing, and it was the beginning of my addiction. I now spend my days rescuing old, dull, unwanted pieces of furniture to give them a fresh look so they can be displayed, used and loved again for many more years to come. Thanks for stopping by.

22 thoughts on “Gray and Turquoise Cabinet

  1. Gorgeous color combination! This little table has certainly been given the “wow”factor! The finish looks so silky smooth! Great job as usual! I hope you have an amazing week!


  2. I love all the surprises that are in your furniture. I never know what I am going to find inside once you open those doors. This was such a pretty color. Thank you, Patricia for joining us over at Sweet Inspiration. I am pinning this one and sharing as well.


  3. thank you for posting, i have finally found what I want to do to my dresser and this is it! I can’t wait to make pretty like you do


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