Sideboard with a Pop of Color

This beautiful sideboard is the kind of piece I’m always hoping to find for a reasonable price at thrift stores and tag sales. I was never that lucky, so when a customer sent me a picture of it and said she wanted it refinished I was over the moon, and couldn’t wait to put my hands on it.

It was even better when I read she wanted it gray, with a pop color on the inside. More precisely, a hot pink! That was too good to be true! The kind of project that reminds me how much I love my job. Its classy, it’s different, it’s beautiful and it is fun!




If you’ve seen some of my recent posts, you probably recognize that gray. It is the exact same color as the French Provincial Dresser I painted back in November, which is until today the most viewed, most commented, and most liked piece I’ve ever done.


Check that post if you want to learn in details how I did it. There is a full tutorial there and a short video on the glazing process.

Painted with Benjamin Moore Steel Wool and Valspar Passionate Peony

Finished with black glaze (Valspar clear glaze mixed with black latex paint 4:1)

Now let’s see what matters. Pictures!







Say hello to my beautiful Ozzy!


If you like this one, wait until you see its big sister, coming very soon!

Thanks for reading,






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It all started in the spring of 2013. I realized how tired I was to see my house entirely decorated with IKEA stuff. Nothing against IKEA, but after 12 years, I just needed some change. I wanted stylish, original furniture, but noticed that everything I liked from retail stores was way out of my budget. Thanks to Google, Youtube, and a couple of amazing blogs, I was able to discover and explore the world of furniture refinishing, and it was the beginning of my addiction. I now spend my days rescuing old, dull, unwanted pieces of furniture to give them a fresh look so they can be displayed, used and loved again for many more years to come. Thanks for stopping by.

16 thoughts on “Sideboard with a Pop of Color

  1. Patricia,
    These piece is beautiful! Do you paint the inside before you paint the outside and do you brush it or spray? I have a very difficult time with the inside of pieces. Either my brush is too big and scrapes or my hand hits the area already painted.
    Again, it is beautiful!

    Thank you,


    1. Thanks Janie! I sometimes use a foam roller and paintbrushes and sometimes spray. I used a paint sprayer on this one and it saved me a lot of time. You’re right. Painting the inside is always a pain!
      I sprayed the inside first then I used plastic and frog tape to cover it while I sprayed the outside. Let me know if you still have questions. 🙂


  2. That is one beautiful piece and you are so right the pop of color makes it so special. I really love all the details that the piece has. Excellent work!!

    Liked by 1 person

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